Nan Province is fully moving forward to drive Nan city to a member of UNESCO, Creative Cities Network.


Nan Province is fully moving forward to drive Nan city to a member of UNESCO, Creative Cities Network.

Nan Province is fully moving forward to drive Nan city to become a member of UNESCO Creative Cities Network. handicrafts and folk arts Integrate cooperation with all network partners To prepare applications for membership of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, the application period opens in 2023.

Mr. Wiboon Waewbundit, Governor of Nan Province, said that with the cost of arts and culture and folk handicrafts that have been around for a long time It is an ancient cultural heritage. reflected through people's lifestyles And transmitted through the art of craftsmanship that has been passed down from generation to generation. It is an identity that enhances the potential of Nan city. can be applied in conjunction with the body of knowledge Creativity and technology are developed into products and services with unique characteristics that add value from local wisdom to products that meet the needs of the world market well.

and from cooperation from all network partners that will raise the level of Nan city to be a UNESCO creative city handicrafts and folk arts By preparing to submit an application in the year 2023, in the past, the Office of Special Area 6, the Special Area Development Administration for Sustainable Tourism Administration (Public Organization) or DASTA has created awareness. participation and create cooperation By attending monthly meetings of heads of government agencies at the district level, all 15 districts continuously To present information on driving Nan city to become a member of the Creative Cities Network. handicrafts and folk arts and integrated work in the overall picture of Nan Province Public relations for creative city driving activities Promote creative Nan arts and crafts Generate product presentation opportunities Organizing the Nan Crafts and Folk Art Forum 2022 to elevate Nan to be a creative city. pushing for membership in the Creative Cities Network of UNESCO

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